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Notice & Note-Close Reading Book Chat

I’m linking up with Andrea over at Reading Toward the Stars for her Book Talk Thursday!

We had our 2nd twitter chat about Notice & Note-Close Reading by Kylene Beers and Bob Probst tonight. It was fantastic.


Here are the questions that were discussed:

1) What’s your favorite way to connect kids to books?

2) Do you teach novels/chapter books mostly whole class? Lit circles? Readers workshop?

3) What’s the most important thing we can do to help kids become avid lifetime readers?

4) Do you think focusing on the ELA CCSS will help kids become avid lifetime readers?

5) In Part II of N&N, K&B introduce 6 signposts which help kids read closely. How do you define close reading?

6) What’s the most important thing you can do to encourage close reading?

7) The CCSS seems to suggest we haven’t been teaching kids to read closely. What do you think?

8) The signposts in N&N push kids deeper into a text. What’s your reaction to these signposts?

9) How have you taught these signposts to kids & how have kids reacted?

10) What are your Qs to Bob & Kylene about this section of the book?

Lots of good talk was happening! If you want to read the archived information you can go HERE.

You can join our facebook group page for some good conversation as well HERE.

AND you can join us in our 3rd (and last) twitter chat about this FABULOUS book next Thursday, June 20th at 8pm CST. Use the #NNNchat hashtag.

And guess what’s in the works????? Yep. Notice and Note-Close Reading for Expository Texts!!!!!!!!!!! Yippeee!!! πŸ™‚

5 thoughts on “Notice & Note-Close Reading Book Chat

  1. Pingback: Learning Past June | Close Reading of Picture Books

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