Mezamashii Run Project

Do you want some new running shoes? Now is your chance to possibly win some. The Mezamashii Run Project is wanting to put new shoes on the feet of runners everywhere. All you have to do is apply, and you will have a chance to win some running shoes. How easy is that? ๐Ÿ™‚

Darlene over at My 1st 5kย has a fabulous post explaining all the details so hop on over to her blog and check it out.

You can also go directly to the Mezamashii News website to read about it here.

Mizunos are the shoes that are being given away.

So don’t delay-apply now. ๐Ÿ™‚

What are your favorite running shoes?

Have you ever won anything running related?

Headed to Washington DC

I’ll be in Washington DC from Thursday, June 28th-Friday, July 6th. Wowza!!

The NEA Representative Assembly is being held like it is every summer at this time. This will be my 4th time going.

Over 9,000 teachers/paraprofessionals will meet up and debate issues that pertain to education. And I do mean debate! ๐Ÿ™‚

4 of us from my school district are actually arriving a couple of days early to SIGHTSEE!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see where we are going to eat learn about our country. I need to take lots of good pictures since I’m teaching American History next year. A little learning needs to take place as well.

I’m writing this post about 3 hours before we leave and haven’t been to sleep yet.

So good night. ๐Ÿ™‚

How much to hydrate?

It’s hot out there. Really hot. And I’m not thinking we are going to get a break anytime soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

I have known for awhile that I don’t drink enough water. I can feel it when I run. In my lungs. In my legs. So I’m on a quest to try to change that.

My first step was to buy some propel powder thingies. I bought mine at Walmart, but here’s their website if you want to take a look.

Propel Zero

It makes the water taste so so good. ๐Ÿ™‚

Then I came across this neat site that calculates how much water you need based on your weight and amount of exercise.

I need anywhere from 68-90 oz of water each day depending on whether or not I run for 20, 40, or 60 minutes.

Hydration calculator

As I write this post at 6pm I haven’t run yet, but I also haven’t even gotten to 50 oz of water. YIKES!

Focus, Shannon, Focus. ๐Ÿ™‚

Are you hydrated well enough?

What helps you focus on your hydration?

It’s Monday-What are you Reading?

Here we are with another chance to share wonderful books with each other thanks to Jen and Kellee over atย Teach Mentor Textsย and Sheila over atย Book Journeyย who both sponsor this great meme each week for young adult/children and adult respectively!

I was able to read a BOATLOAD of books this past week because I was working in a convenience store everyday and had some down time + I just took the time to read! ๐Ÿ™‚ It was the best reading week I have ever had!! I will miss it! ๐Ÿ™‚

These are the books I read last week-since I read so many and am a little lazy at this time, I only put the book covers for you. They were all good reads, and if you want to read what I wrote about each one you can check out my goodreads page.

My books on

Sahara SpecialOut of the DustAnd She Was: A Novel of SuspenseLunch Lady and the Author Visit Vendetta (Lunch Lady, #3)The Wedding Planner's Daughter (Wedding Planner's Daughter, #1)

There's A Boy In The Girl's Bathroom (Cascades)Learning Curve (Harlequin Superromance No. 1348) (Harlequin Superromance)Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt (Reading Rainbow Books)Love That DogHate That Cat

Best Friends ForeverIn the Path of Falling Objects

Have you read any of these books?ย 

Have you read any other books by these authors?

Do you use goodreads?

Monday Made It Linky Party

The Monday Made It Linky Party is here again. It’s hosted by Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics. It’s a neat way to find cool projects that other teachers are making and to share what you make. ย Sometimes there are non-teacher related things as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

I have finally made what so many others have ALREADY made!

1. A to do list in a frame to keep on my desk at school. I’ll use a dry erase marker to write on the glass of the frame and erase it when it’s done! I didn’t add a cute bow like everyone else-BECAUSE I’M NOT CRAFTY! ๐Ÿ™‚

To Do List template printable:

2. Toolbox storage-The students will know EXACTLY where to find things.

Here are some labels I created:

Tool Box Labels

3. Dear Students Frame-Not sure if I’m going to put this on my whiteboard or on a shelf.

I want to give credit to the people who came up with these great ideas so here’s the link to my Classroom Management pinterest board:

Hope you’ve enjoyed looking at the crafty things that this non-crafty person made. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m pooped!


4am is C.R.A.Z.Y.

Getting up at 4am is crazy! Somebody must have tricked me into saying yes to a friend that needed my help in his convenience store. ๐Ÿ™‚

Clearly, But I am good to go after my morning shower. And diet pepsi. And something to eat. ๐Ÿ™‚

Do you know what is crazier than getting up at 4am? The fact that people buy so many of these little babies-

Newports, and marlboros, and basics, and…. Gosh-they are so expensive! I’m glad I never started smoking because I wouldn’t be able to afford it now. And I already have a hard time breathing when I run!

And you know how gas is about $3/gallon? I kid you not-lots of people put $5 in their car. More than 1 time a day. Am I missing something? ๐Ÿ™‚

I have spent over 30 hours working at the store, and it has been fun yet I’m still reminded why I’m glad we sold the store that we owned 4 years ago. ๐Ÿ™‚ I should have stock in this:

Because I have used it ALL DAY EACH DAY. ๐Ÿ™‚

And did you know that THIS has more gravity than other objects???

So when I wasn’t stocking coolers

or bagging ice

or waiting on customers or sweeping-wait, I didn’t sweep :), I was reading. Bliss. ๐Ÿ™‚

The following picture is an example that there are still a lot of good hearted people in this world. One truck driver pulled up to get fuel. Another driver helped him out.

ย VERY considerate!

This is what I have been doing for 5-8 hours each day this week. It’s kept me busy, I’ve made a little money, but boy am I looking forward to sleeping late Sunday morning. Til like 6am. ๐Ÿ™‚

Have you been doing anything different this week from your normal routine?


Story of a Girl book review

ย Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr

This one earned 3 out of 5 stars. I enjoyed reading it, but have you ever read a book where you felt a little depressed when reading it? Well, that’s the feeling I had during this one. I guess because I sympathized with her so much and wanted to help her or fast forward her life to when this “event” wouldn’t matter as much, and of course I can’t actually have a therapy session with the characters in a book. ๐Ÿ™‚

It kept my attention the entire time, but a veil of somberness followed me while I read it. Hey, was that a good description for you? Is somberness even a real word? ๐Ÿ™‚

In this book not only does Deanna have to contend with a bad choice she made (which spotlights her in a bad way), but her home life leaves a lot to be desired. I just felt so sorry for her. Her relationship with her dad was in trouble ever since the “event”-he just shut her out more or less. The mending of this relationship is VERY subtle. Which makes Deanna happy, but guess what? I was still left feeling sorry for her.

I WOULD actually recommend this book to young adult girls, but it definitely has some mature content in it.

This was Sara Zarr’s first novel, and in my opinion she did a great job at her first one. I would enjoy reading more from her in the future if she keeps writing.

Lose a Marathon Challenge

I’m not trying to lose weight anymore since I got to my goal weight of 125 (to 127) back in April and have maintained it so far. BUT Jess over at Run With Jessย is having a weight loss challenge called “Lose a Marathon”. You can sign up for this challenge if you are in the process of dropping some pounds right now. She also has a “Lose a Half-Marathon” challenge (13.1 miles).

And even if you’re not wanting to lose weight you still need to go check out her fabulous blog-she is constantly drumming up something new-giveaways, challenges, etc.

Back to the weight loss thing-I can’t tell you how much better I feel now that I have lost almost 40 pounds. Well, I can tell you because I’m telling you right now. ๐Ÿ™‚

I mean, that’s like carrying around a small child!

It all began when my husband said…….I think I’ll save that for another post all by itself. Keep you on your toes. ๐Ÿ™‚

Have you ever been on a quest to lose weight?

Running Clinic

A friend and I went to a running clinic tonight-I’ve never been to one before. It was a great experience! We all ran a 5k course before the clinic. This course was HILLY, HARD, HORRIBLE, and it HURT. ๐Ÿ™‚ That pretty much describes it! I would NEVER pay money to run that course. ๐Ÿ™‚

My friend (who is MUCH faster than me) ran with me the whole time. 34:24. Didn’t walk. ๐Ÿ™‚

They had different speakers at the clinic talking about running and weight loss, power walking, trail running, triathlons, etc. The clinic was being held by the Anniston Runners Club. They fed us sandwiches, chips, bananas, and watermelon. It was a fun experience.

If you join the running club ($15/year), you get discounts on local races and discounts on some local eating places. That would be so worth it. They also do group runs each week which would be difficult for me since I live over an hour away from Anniston, but maybe once a month would be doable. I haven’t decided if I’m going to join. My head hurts right now from all those HILLS. ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s a picture of me and Janet (AFTER the run).

I would say I’m smiling because I’m happy, or I’m glad Janet ran with me, or something like that. And all of those are true. BUT-to my right is the food table, and that’s what’s really making me happy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Have you ever been to a running clinic or workshop?