Stop bullying

I am definitely going to put this into my lesson plans for the 1st week of school from now on. It was an attention grabber! I did this the last week of school with my 6th graders, and I believe it hit home.

1st we discussed what bullying is and the many forms of it as well as their thoughts on bullying. Then I had everyone take a piece of paper and ball it up without tearing it and then flatten and smooth it back out. I told them that all of those creases are an example of mean things that are said and done to a person. They had to tell the piece of paper they were sorry. Did the scars go away? No, they never do! Pretty powerful. I got that idea from someone’s pin on pinterest. You can see where I pinned it by going here:

Then I showed them a youtube video on bullying. This is one that makes me tear up EVERY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to make them understand that bullying is a REAL thing with REAL consequences.

I think it got their attention.

I had them do a little writing about bullying after that.

This is a must do lesson for all upper grades. One to revisit again and again!

What kind of lessons do you use for putting a stop to bullying?


2012 Run the Hood 10k

Today was my 1st 10k race. A virtual one. I ran it with 2 of my dogs on the dirt road where I live (until 2 guys on 4 wheelers came by me that I didn’t know). Then I finished the 6.2 miles by running back and forth in front of my house and my neighbor’s house. Back and forth, back and forth…… 🙂

My time-1:14:42

That would be 1 whole hour, 14 long minutes, and 42 snail seconds!! 🙂

It was between 85-90 degrees in my part of Alabama-not sure exactly but I’m thinking when we get to that kind of temperature it doesn’t really matter about 4 or 5 degrees. 🙂 And that was at 6pm!

Here are my splits. Oh my, does that mean I am a “real” runner when I can give you stats like this???!!!







I took 2 walk breaks-on the 3rd mile and the 5th mile.

I’ve been reading that a runner should strive for negative splits. That means that you get faster as you keep running. Well, I’m a positive kind of person 🙂 so I guess I strive for positive splits-meaning I get slower as I keep running. 🙂

Let’s just get this out of the way-I am NOT a fast runner. I am a slow runner. But I am a runner. And back in December I was not. So there. 🙂

I had a slight injury before I started running. GASP! My 1st running injury. Actually, it wasn’t a “running” injury. Here-I’ll just show you a picture and see what you can infer.

That is a long long long stick. And Gunner has no depth perception. He doesn’t realize that he needs to run by me and be about 12 feet away when he runs!! 🙂 Yes, I gave him the stick. Dummy!

Here’s the shirt that I got for running the 10k. Notice the sweat stain?

I think the shirt is a little too big. Wait-does that make sense? Little too big. ? Notice my very cool underarmour running shoes. I LOVE THEM!

This is me after running-with no makeup on-sweating like a horse-but happy to be finished! In the background you will see our lovely dog pens and the black work truck (1 of many vehicles that my husband collects!). Don’t worry-that is NOT a stalker in the background. 🙂 It’s one of those cowboy thingies-I gave it to Joe for his birthday.

I also pledged running miles in honor of all the lives lost in the global war on terror. You can read more about it here:

Enough about my running. This is a picture of 1 of our tractors-my tractor to be more specific. We have had it since 1998, and I adore it. So at about 9am this morning I hopped on and bushhogged the pasture in front of our house. For 4 hours. With no sunscreen. Ouch. 🙂


After. 🙂

And lookie what we have here! A peach. On my peach tree. 🙂 We planted about 8 fruit trees a couple of years ago (as an anniversary present to me ourselves). Then we proceeded to forget about them. We now have 6 trees left. And they are not a pretty sight. 🙂 But this little tree has 1 lone peach on it! I’m so excited!

What did you do on Memorial Day?

Have you ever run 6 miles?





Time with the hubby

Time. Such a precious commodity. Especially with my hubby. He has been working in another state during the week for 4 1/2 years. Now he’s back home with a job close to home. Talk about an adjustment. 🙂

Yesterday my youngest daughter graduated from high school (and there will be an upcoming post devoted specifically to her!). Afterwardslots of us went out to eat together and had a great time. Pictures of all of it coming soon.

Then she went with her dad/stepmom/brother/sister to spend the night in Auburn. My other 2 chillins (stepsons) were at work and going to the lake.

Which left me. And Joe. Aaaahhh…pure bliss. Now what would you do if you found yourself with your husband of 12 years and no kids on a Saturday afternoon? EXACTLY! We rode 4-wheelers!!! 🙂

My husband takes care of about 130-150 head of cows in a neighboring county for a guy that lives in Texas. The cows are on about 400 acres. I LOVE to go with him when I have time. Unfortunately, it never seems like I have enough time during the school year, but guess what??? That is about to change-the joys of being a teacher at summertime! 🙂

We saw cows-go figure!

And more cows.

The blackberries were SCRUMPTIOUS! Looking like I need to learn how to make a homemade blackberry cobbler or pie this summer!

Joe with his fancy overalls!

Boo Boo, our oldest dog-a 12 year old blue heeler. The other dogs ran beside us, but she has a speical spot on the back of Joe’s 4-wheeler! 🙂

A brand spanking new baby calf. Can you see her bellowing? Don’t worry-her mama is coming for her, but didn’t quite get a picture of that as I tore off calmly rode off on my 4 -wheeler. 🙂

Patch, one of our blue heelers-NOT cooperating for the camera!

Roscoe, who knows he might become famous if he poses for the camera.

My idea of a fantastic Saturday afternoon with hubby.

What was your Saturday like?

Do you like to ride 4-wheelers or are you a city person at heart?


Tears of a Tiger Book Review

Tears of a Tiger by Sharon Draper

This young adult book caught me by surprise. I have already read one other book by Sharon Draper-Out of My Mind (which was phenomenal by the way!!), and I guess I expected this one to be similar to that one. Nope. Now don’t get me wrong-this book was a good read. It was mostly written in conversation style with a few letters thrown in. It wasn’t hard to read or hard to understand. Nothing like that. It dealt with painful issues that people (especially teenagers) go through in life. (And you know I LOVE reading about real life things!). However, the main character in the story was also dealing with feelings of oppression in a racial way. A lot of anger was involved in this respect. And I guess if I’m going to be truly honest, it made me uncomfortable. It did make me see things from the perspective of a minority which is always a good thing. But, it still seemed over the top for me. Andy seemed to think that white people had it out for him and his buddies, and I just didn’t see how that helped, enhanced, or added to the main story.

Moving right along.

Goodreads summary:

After a car accident kills Robert, Andy’s best friend and teammate on the Hazelwood High Tigers, Andy doesn’t know if he can go on. He’s consumed with guilt for driving the night of the accident after a long evening of drinking and partying. With perceptiveness and compassion,Sharon M. Draper portrays an African-American teenager who feels driven to consider suicide in the wake of a devastating tragedy.

I had not read this summary or any summary about the book before reading the book with the exception of the back cover which didn’t reveal what this summary above revealed. So even though I pretty much knew where the story was heading, I was still sort of shocked when it happened. Like a punch in the gut kind of feeling.

Andy was trying to deal with his feelings like any teenager would, but it just wasn’t working. And there were so many signals that he gave off because of his depression that were missed by the adults in his life-typical huh?

I think this book is an EXCELLENT book for all young adults. It might just be the save that some of them need in life.

I give it 3 out of 5 stars– a very likeable read and one that I am glad to have read.

I also found a cool glogster poster that someone made about the book and wanted to share.

Have you read this book?

Have you read any other books by Sharon Draper?


Sorrow and joy

Today was a mixed bag of emotions. Joy for it being the last day of school. Sorrow to see the kids go.

We had a good time cleaning out and packing up. They REALLY helped me a lot! Even if I did have to become close friends with Aleve! 🙂

Toward the end of the day we played limbo. Well, they played, and I just fell!

And let me tell you, that concrete tiled floor does NOT give an inch!! 🙂

Some of the kids were pretty good!

Or maybe not! 🙂

This is what they left me with!

With 2 of my favorite ones:

Here we are ready for summer! Me and Mr. Brady!

Look closely at these next couple of pictures because the next time you see my room it will be a different color!!!!!

I am thinking I want to paint the walls a bright blue. Even though purple is my favorite color this lavender has completely started wearing on my nerves. Blah blah blah! I want to put some spunk back into my classroom! My principal said my room would be one of the first rooms to have the floors cleaned (YEA) so then I can start setting it back up for next year. I’m a freak-I know! My teaching partner has already pointed that out! 🙂

Any ideas on curtains?


The countdown to summer

Check out our countdown chains.

Is that sad or what? One day of school left. Awwwww…..summertime, summertime, summertime, summertime!

We held our 6th 6 weeks grades incentive party today. Playground. Popsicles. Need I say more?

Cool and delicious popsicles. I had 1. I mean 2. Ok, I really had 3!


Sidewalk chalk. I really really wanted to play with that, but I refrained. 🙂

This is the group of teachers who have had the privilege to teach this young man (doesn’t he look excited??). His mother always has us over at the end of each year as a teacher appreciation dinner. I was his kindergarten teacher at one time and each year more teachers are invited-whoever has taught him. Such a fun time! 🙂 I’m the one with the tan from running-definitely a runner’s tan right now!

As we have all been cleaning out our classrooms, my teaching partner, Mr. Brady, found a koala bear that some of his students had given him. His name is Smuggy. Kendrell took it upon himself to carry him around most of the day. 🙂 I’m really gonna miss Kendrell next year with his delightful personality!

This was our grafitti wall from this year-the kids wrote quotes on it throughout the year, mainly from the books they had read. They also wrote book recommendations on it. They LOVED it! I think I will do something similar to this next year with history-either history facts or quotes from famous people. What do you think?

When we got to school this morning, we found writing everywhere from one of our biggest school rivals, a school in our district. Spraypainted sayings on the grass. Chalk sayings on the side of the school, sidewalks, you name it. Fun fun! 🙂 It’s on now!

How many days of school do you have if you teach?

What is your favorite flavor of popsicle?


Running in God’s World

This is one reason why I love to run!

I love being outside-this is the perfect picture of peace and beauty in my opinion.

I ran 3 miles in 36 minutes. It felt so good to be back out on the road again! Literally.

We had a little field day for our 6th graders today-REAL informal. We took them to the practice field around 9:30. Played kickball til lunch-some of them played baseball, listened to ipods, sat around, etc. After lunch we went BACK to the practice field until time to go home. I played a game that I had never heard of that was pretty fun-5000. Someone throws the kickball high in the air behind them(their back is to the group). Whatever number the thrower calls out is the amount of points the catcher gets. If the thrower doesn’t call out a number and someone catches it they lose all their points. I won one time. Short people don’t fare too well in this game! 🙂

Here is a picture of one our boys(Kerrion)-he wanted me to take his picture but not quite like that!

I love catching them in awkward poses!!

I couldn’t get a good picture of this one(Rikishi)-he ALWAYS runs from me when I have my camera! But it was priceless seeing these HUGE yellow earphones on!

And check out Kendrell with the big “diamond” in his ear!

I FINALLY got a picture of this hilarious t-shirt. Every time Will wore it I would forget my camera or forget to take a picture-imagine that!

It felt like a crazy day today. I had a meeting for all the students who are interested in being on the track team next year. 25 students showed up! That is like “WOW”. We only have around 420 students in our entire K-12 school. And I think we only had about 6 students on it last year. I am super excited!! I might even have a few more tomorrow and Friday since they are taking exams and some might not have been at school today because of being exempt.

Run Wadley Run! 🙂

We had to figure out who all gets to go to the “grades incentive” party tomorrow. The grades in my homeroom class were MUCH better this six weeks than last. 23 of my 26 students get to attend the party. 🙂 We will be going on the playground from 1-2:30 and I they can buy popsicles. 🙂

After school we had a baby shower for 2 of our teachers who are due this summer. The food was GREAT!

I cleaned up my room a little after that, went home, ran my 3 miles, and cooked supper. Whew! Did NOT make it to the board meeting.

Since I absolutely LOVE what I cooked for supper tonight I’m going to share it with you. It’s pretty common. It’s called “Shipwreck”.

1/2 lb sliced bacon

1 lb ground beef

1 cup ketchup

1 large onion(I left this out-not because I don’t like onions but because remember?? I can’t remember anything lately!!)

1/2 cup brown sugar (Or more!)

1 large can baked beans

I also diced a bell pepper and cooked it with the ground beef.

Cook beef, onion(if YOU can remember, and bell pepper). Cook bacon. Mix in ketchup, brown sugar, crumbled bacon and baked beans.

Bake in 9X13 pan for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Mmmm…mmmm..good!

Well, I think that’s all I had to say tonight. So.tired. 🙂

Busyness, Craziness, and Changes

Busy, busy, busy!! We have started cleaning out the room, taking up textbooks, doing inventory, packing up, etc. Boy oh boy!!! My room is FILTHY!! Anybody else have this problem? 🙂

At 9am I took my 6th graders to watch Kindergarten graduation. It was so sweet. They had made this huge world with their handprints. So pretty.

We are having a little informal field day tomorrow for our 6th graders-can’t wait!! 🙂

We are having a baby shower tomorrow after school for 2 of our teachers.

A specially called school board meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow at 5pm-I guess I need to go since I have missed the past few


1-6 grades will have their incentive party Thursday afternoon-get ready for some fun in the sun!

Thursday evening is our teacher appreciation dinner at one of my former kindergarten student’s homes. Love them and can’t wait!

Friday is the last day of school. For the students. Woohoo!!!

My daughter graduates Saturday morning!!!!! Tears!!

We have in-service next Tuesday and Wednesday.

And last but not least:

I will NOT be teaching science next year as I thought. I will be teaching 5th and 6th grade history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was my first choice anyway, but another teacher had wanted to teach it and now she will be teaching elementary P.E. so I get history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Can you tell how excited I am????????????? Call me a freak (my teaching partner already has!), but I can’t wait to get out of school so I can…..plan for school!!!! 🙂

Oh, I said that was the last bit of info, but here is some more. I will be the new track coach for next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 We have only had track at our K-12 school for 2 years with about 6 members. I think I am actually going to have quite a few next year. I’m hoping to have a quick meeting tomorrow with them to find out how many are interested and what events they are interested in.

WOW!! Lots of stuff going on right now and so happy about all of it! 🙂

This is the mantra that I will be repeating to myself over the next week-



One of my favorite things

I’m really too tired to write an entertaining post tonight since I:

1. stayed up entirely late last night

2. have been laying around the house since 6pm this evening

3. ate waaaaaay too much for supper


So, I’ll leave you with the image of one of my favorite things. Or people. 🙂

 I mean really. How cute is he? Kermit, I love you!

It’s Monday-What are you reading?5/21/12

This fun meme is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey and Kellee and Jen at Teach Mentor Texts. Check out their blogs when you get a chance! Kellee and Jen have dynamic book reviews for young books (I’m talking about even having ways you can use the books in your classroom!!), and Sheila is a natural book talker!! You won’t be disappointed!

What have I been reading this past week?

Broken by Karin Slaughter

Karin Slaughter is one of my favorite suspense authors-I have loved all of her books!

The Wizard of Oz

I read an adapted version, but can’t remember the name of the author, and my book is in the hands of one of my students! I’m going to tell you a little secret-shhh, don’t tell anyone. This was the first time I had ever read this book. I know, I guess I’m un-American. Not really, but if I read it when I was a kid I don’t remember it. I have to say that I ADORED this story. Now I want to watch the movie-no, I’ve never seen the entire movie.

I am in the middle of Jodi Picoult‘s Sing You Home. As usual, I love this one like all the other ones I have read. She writes about REAL issues, and she does NOT sugarcoat anything!

On my radar is The Secret Garden, a classic that I think I read at a young age, but want to read again to join in Sheila’s read-a-long over at Book Journey.

That’s it for now. Just wait til school gets out, you won’t be able to keep up with me. 🙂