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Book Challenge-Book#4

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday-I was getting caught up with my part-time job and today, too! Whew, I’m glad I’m finished! Well, almost!

My book#4 for the book-a-day challenge was a picture book (since I had so little time). 🙂 One of our reading stories with our reading program-Scott Foresman Reading Street- is Saving the Rain Forests so I thought that I might bring in some “interesting” picture/fact books about the rain forest. Come On Into the Rain Forest by Judy Nayer is one of my choices for engaging them.

    It’s written in rhyme (I know that will appeal to them). It is all about the animals in the rain forest with GREAT pictures! At the very back of the book on the last page there are facts about the rain forest (not too many of them) with a diagram of the rain forest layers and a map of the locations of the rain forests in the world. I’m hoping to really engage them so that understanding the text of our reading story will be easier for them.

I will post my book#5 tomorrow-I’ve already read it, but it will probably be a long post because it is a GREAT teaching book-look for it tomorrow evening!!!!!

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