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Run, Read, Teach


2014 is going to be an awesome year for running!

If anybody needs a spreadsheet to track your running/walking miles-HERE YOU GO! It’s sort of cute if I do say so myself! 🙂

#500in2014 Spreadsheet


Don’t think I’m going to meet my Goodreads Reading Challenge for this year. Goal was 200, and I’m on book# 175. Oh, well. Will shoot for it again in 2014!! 🙂




I can’t wait to tell my 6th graders next week that we will start blogging in mid January!!!!!!!!! I’ve already set up a blog for us at Kidblog. We will take about 1 1/2 weeks to learn all about blogging before we dive in. 

Wadley 6th Grade



And there you go. A short summary of my current thoughts on what makes me who I am- I RUN READ TEACH. 🙂

12 thoughts on “Run, Read, Teach

    • Thanks, Lisa! I’m excited for the new year. I really slacked off last year and felt a huge difference. So THIS IS OUR YEAR! 🙂

  1. My class blogs at swilburn.edublogs.com I would love for our classes to connect through comments once you are up and running.

    • Definitely want to get them connected!!!! 🙂 I’m hoping they will view the importance of their writing in a whole new light!

      • We have put some writing and projects up, but I have not really worked at partnering with other teachers for students to give each other feedback. A few parents have used it, but we are rural and not all families have access at home. Let me know when you are up and running.

  2. I LOVE the spreadsheet! Great for accountability. Thank you for sharing.

    Do you do “My Fitness Pal” by any chance? I’m looking to connect with others for some motivation. I’d like to lose about 25 pounds this year and run a 5K. (Yea….my motto is that I don’t run unless I’m being chased so this should be interesting.) Let me know if you are interested! 🙂

    Mrs. Laffin’s Laughings

    • Jennifer,

      I actually used My Fitness Pal 2 years ago when I started running. I would tell you that I would use it now, but I’m not tracking my calorie anymore. Although I should. Hmmm…Let me think on it!

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