Home » 5k races » Madhatters 5k Trail Run

Madhatters 5k Trail Run

Libby, this post is for YOU!! 🙂

I ran a 5k trail run with my brother and his daughter in Douglasville, GA the other weekend and am just now getting around to writing a post about it!

I’ve been signing up for most of my races through active.com lately-here’s the link:


This 5k benefited an organization that fights against family violence. Great cause!


 Here we are bright and EARLY in the morning before the race. Briana, Shawn and myself. I am so not a morning person! 🙂

 About to get started!

 Here we go! All smiles. 🙂

There’s my bro busting thru the finish line. I can’t remember his exact time-32 something.

That hill at the end of the trail was a KILLER for me! 🙂 My finish time-33:45.

Finally, I get to walk and cool down!

I found someone who had the same Brooks running shoes that I have. Cool!

Briana, my 6th grade niece, got 3rd place in her age division.

Ahem, we ALL got 3rd place in our age divisions!!! What???!!! Maybe there were only 3 IN my age division!!! LOL!

Briana and Taylor. Niece and daughter. Non-attitude and attitude. JK. Well, not really!

Briana performing her flute expertise for us AFTER she ran the 5k and AFTER her soccer game-which I forgot to take pictures of! Bad aunt!

So there you have it. A day of family and fun. I love trail runs because I love running in the woods. This trail run was mostly flat until right at the end, and they graciously inserted a hill. 🙂 The only thing we had to watch out for were roots/stumps (which they spray painted white for us) and horse manure since it’s also a horse trail. The trail was very wide-it allowed me to comfortably pass a few people. YES! I actually passed a few people!

I can’t wait to do another trail run-my next one is June 3rd with my brother again in Georgia!






9 thoughts on “Madhatters 5k Trail Run

  1. Pingback: It’s Moving Day!!!!!! « Every Step Counts

  2. Pingback: It’s Moving Day!!! « 6th Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Resources

  3. Pingback: It’s Moving Day!!!! « Extreme Reading and Writing

  4. Thanks Shannon! Way to go on ya’lls 3rd places!! Dang it! That race was pretty close to me! I need to get better at watching active.com. The trail run that I am doing Saturday is my first. I love to walk trails but I’m nervous about the ruts and roots. I have heard that it is hilly and lots of ruts. I’m hoping that they will be painted. Thanks for posting this! It makes me feel better! p.s. I love running almost as much as reading! Gonna love your new blog!

  5. Great job! My first race since last summer will also be on June 3rd, so I’ll send you a virtual high-five of good luck before the pistol sounds!

    • I started out in my old nikes for my couch25k training. I bought my brooks about 1 week before my 1st 5k. I LOVE THEM!!! I have bought since then a pair of Under Armour. I like these for just wearing to school and walking around in, but I prefer my brooks for running. I really want to go and get fitted for a pair where they tell you what you need based on your feet and what they do while you’re running. I just haven’t done that yet. 🙂

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